restoring fatherhood to fatherless fathers and sons
Join the FS100 challenge
Need help developing discipline in your life? We all need a fresh start or tune-up.
FS100 Challenge:
16 minutes a day for a year to build consistency, proficiency, and mastery of setting aside time in daily practices to grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
We believe in
4 markers of manhood
The absence of purpose in fatherless men and boys will create an avalanche of confusion and frustration. Lack of sense shuts a guy down and robs him of destiny, future, and hope. The longer a man lives without a defined purpose, the more entangled and confusing his life becomes.
The identity we presently possess determines how we see ourselves. All life springs forth from our identity. It’s the place where purpose emerges and confidence grows.
The very first thing fatherlessness steals is sonship. Sonship is the relationship between a father and a son. To be able to understand “Father” you must first be a son. Learning relationship is a life long journey.
What are you going to leave behind for your children? Your legacy can be one that comes from emulating the Father, transferring the principles and ideals as seeds to our children. One day, we get the harvest we hoped for well-equipped for life kids who become fantastic adults.

time to step up.
Step-by-step guidance
Fundamentals of fatherhood
Iron sharpens iron

You’re ready to take a step towards breaking generational curses.
Teach Me to Father is a FatherSeekers podcast with honest and hard-hitting tools from guys and some gals who have been right where you are.
Fatherlessness is growing up without positive influence, involvement, engagement, leading, coaching, and training from a man influenced, guided, and governed by Jesus Christ. Now, if we were on a Zoom call, raised hands would be popping up by the hundreds. We must have a baseline from which to operate and work. Jesus Christ is the perfect son. To be a good father, you must first be a good son.
A fatherless father, Barry Edgemon has been through the highs and lows. He believes in restoring men one step at a time through mentorship and structure. Start with one-on-one coaching or join a FatherSeekers Circle of 5.
What men are saying
FatherSeekers membership will include weekly devotionals, video series, content, and more from founder Barry Edgemon.